Fairchild® Tube Limiter Collection
Fairchild Tube Limiter Collectionは、The BeatlesやPink Floydから無数のMotownクラシックまで、何百枚ものヒットレコードで聴かれたシルクのように暖かいコンプレッションを提供します*。このユニークなチューブコンプレッサーをもっとも正確にエミュレーションしたプラグインを使えば、あなたのボーカル、ドラム、そしてミックスに同じアナログの「輝き」を加えられます。
UAD Native
UAハードウェアを使用せずに、MacやPCで動作します。Apollo リアルタイムとUAD-2
ApolloインターフェイスとUAD-2ハードウェアで高速に動作します。システム要件:UAD Native プラグインは、macOS 10.15 Catalina 以降と Windows 10 と 11 の両方で動作します。システム要件は UAサポートページでご確認ください。
- Fairchildチューブならではの暖かさと個性を、あなたのトラックやミックスに
- Fairchildのチューブドライブゲインコントロールとトランスセクションを使用して、ボーカルやドラムなどにハーモニクスとパンチを加えます。
- ウェット/ドライ、サイドチェインフィルター、ヘッドルームのシンプルなコントロールで、コンプレッションを簡単にコントロールできます。
- Ocean Way Studiosによる、「ゴールデンリファレンス」ヴィンテージFairchildの唯一の正確なエミュレーションをお楽しみください。
5-Minute Tip: Joel Hamilton
(Pretty Lights, Highly Suspect)
Add presence and texture to lead vocals with the Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection.2つのコンプレッサーの象徴的な音色を加える
Fairchild 670とその仲間であるFairchild 660は、ポピュラーミュージックでもっとも尊敬されるサウンドのいくつかを定義してきました。アグレッシブさで知られる660はピアノ、ベース、ギターのトラックにパンチを加え、フラッグシップの670はチャンネル、ファイナルミックス、マスターにまでバイブとカラーを注入するフルステレオコンプレッサーです。
他のFairchildエミュレーションをはるかに凌ぐ、UAD Fairchild Collectionだけが、伝説のOcean Way Studiosの「ゴールデンリファレンス」ユニットの正確な回路モデルに基づいており、到達不可能な象徴的ハードウェアのリッチなチューブトーンをすべて提供します。
“If your drums, bass or vocals are lacking a little vibe, just grab the new UAD Fairchild 660 or 670, turn the input knob up, and listen to how much life your song has now.”
– Darrell Thorp (Beck, Radiohead, Charlotte Gainsbourg)“The much sought after Fairchild 660 and 670 are now accessible to UAD/Apollo users, allowing them to enjoy an audio treat that had previously only been available to a select few.”
– Steve Levine (Culture Club, Beach Boys, Ziggy Marley)“The UAD Fairchild 670 compressor is beautiful on drum subs, the mix bus, and pretty much anything else. It has a smoothness that's hard to beat.”
– Jacknife Lee (R.E.M, The Cars, Snow Patrol)Watch The Reviews
*アーティスト名の使用はFairchild Tube Limiter Collectionのソフトウェアを公式に推奨するものではありません。レビュー
H. Acero
Solo lo probe una vez y me enamoré
Soy advenedizo en el mundo de la Producción Musical. Sé que los compresores son muy importantes, así que, solo lo probé y, realmente el sonido que me dio los Fairchild, realmente me...
続きを読むJ. Haim
Great Sound!
It sounds amazing. Definitely best emulation of Fairchild till today!
続きを読むG. Spiridion
Great Plugin, Great Sound
Amazing sounds!!! Indispensable on my productons.
続きを読むL. Predator
Coleção Fairchild Tube Limiter
Nunca vou conseguir chegar perto de um Fairchild original , mas em relação com as marcas mais conhecidas, tenho Waves ,etc... Esse UAD Fairchild é incomparável. Mágico!...
続きを読むe. madi
The great gluing glow for mixing and mastering
I love uad Fairchild, for me it's the most greatest mastering limiter mix drum buss comp mixer processor enhancement, for glowing glue the multitracks music mix on the master mix buss...
続きを読むD. Skeel
It’s a Fairchild and it’s amazing
The Fairchild is a great compressor, legendary and this sounds like the hardware. If you aren’t familiar it will take a learning curve but being able to compress the center different...
続きを読む -
Key Features
Includes the mono 660 and stereo 670, each with their own sonic attributes and feature sets
Models entire electronic path, including tube amplifiers and transformers for complete analog color and behavior
Modeled after Ocean Way’s famous, meticulously maintained golden Fairchild channels
Lateral-Vertical mode for stereo imaging and balance control
Includes custom hardware Stereo Sidechain Link mod
Six attack and release Time Constants (plus additional Time Constant variations with Sidechain Link)
Includes all-new “digital only” features: Sidechain filtering, Dry/Wet parallel blend and Headroom
Includes artist presets from Darrell Thorp, Michael Brauer, Ryan West, and more
Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection
H. Acero
Solo lo probe una vez y me enamoré
Soy advenedizo en el mundo de la Producción Musical. Sé que los compresores son muy importantes, así que, solo lo probé y, realmente el sonido que me dio los Fairchild, realmente me fascinó.
J. Haim
Great Sound!
It sounds amazing. Definitely best emulation of Fairchild till today!
G. Spiridion
Great Plugin, Great Sound
Amazing sounds!!! Indispensable on my productons.
L. Predator
Coleção Fairchild Tube Limiter
Nunca vou conseguir chegar perto de um Fairchild original , mas em relação com as marcas mais conhecidas, tenho Waves ,etc... Esse UAD Fairchild é incomparável. Mágico!
e. madi
The great gluing glow for mixing and mastering
I love uad Fairchild, for me it's the most greatest mastering limiter mix drum buss comp mixer processor enhancement, for glowing glue the multitracks music mix on the master mix buss stereo out, for to glue everything together, I'm so excited and happy for the results, I love you more uad
D. Skeel
It’s a Fairchild and it’s amazing
The Fairchild is a great compressor, legendary and this sounds like the hardware. If you aren’t familiar it will take a learning curve but being able to compress the center different from the side which is what made this thing famous is amazing, the tone and what it does to your music is worth it…..learn it use it and get it if you want great results
t. ecuvillon
i love it
just put it with the default preset at last place on the master bus chain.
My classical solo piano is better with it :)S. Schwartz
The Fairchild 670 . . . Wow!
Really, really pleased with how the Fairchild 670 plugin adds a new dimension to my voiceover tracks in my podcast as well as the mastering bus. It's very subtle, but discernibly wonderful! Like the icing and cherry atop a delicious cake.
T. Blanch
The Fairchild just makes everything sound so smooth. I love it, and with a tweak of the input gain it just creates a subtle texture to my mixes and sounds.
D. MixLab
The Beast
K. Purwin
Wspaniały! Jestem Bardzo Zadowolony!
D. Black
Fairchild Duo
Great compression and modified sounds that only the Fairchild can add. It's still king of the compressor family for good reason.
M. Coutausse
un grand traditionnel du traitement
belle réalisation , mais assez difficile a maitriser , comme l'original ..
S. Shin
Great plugin!!
Perfect! I love it!!
L. Sant anna
Amazing Tube FairChild Emulation!
The Fairchild Tube Limiter plugin by Universal Audio is a faithful emulation of the legendary Fairchild 670 tube compressor. It accurately captures the harmonic richness and smoothness of the original, offering exceptional dynamic control. With its intuitive interface, it allows fine adjustments in compression and release. Ideal for mixing and mastering, it provides unparalleled analog warmth and presence, making it indispensable for producers seeking vintage sound quality. In short, it is an essential addition to any professional audio toolkit.
j. nieva
Instant mojo!
Lovely emulations of the classic hardware. Smooth and punchy , with lots of harmonics. I really love it on drum buses and vocals.
S. Chihota
Easily the best Fairchild emulation.
I've used a variety of Fairchild emulations and in part, saw the composer Al Hug used when mixing his sample compositions. It has this smooth compression that lifts the source and pushes it forward while adding character the emulations of the Fairchild fail too. I'm certainly going to be adding more UA plugins to my arsenal off the strength of the quality of the Fairchild 670.
R. Selva
Nice App - but worthless for me.
Nice limiter, I like that limiter very much, but I've be always online, or need to plugin a usb pendrive :-(. Like all UAudio Plugins. They're worthless for me, as a traveller. I'll replace the plugins with alternatives, in this case with that from IK Multimedia VC-670 und sell that licence.
J. Villa
Use with SSL in mastering chain
I use it after the SSL compressor in my mastering chain to give it some light saturation from the emulations the analog gear provides… also sounds amazing on drum busses. I’m slowly replacing a certain subscription of plug ins to UA…
High quality and reliable!
Great warm sound! Very easy to use. Undoubtedly, this plugin is an iconic. I thank UA for the opportunity to purchase such plugins for very profitable and generous offers.