UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt 3
UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt
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J. Johannsson
Satellite Octo
Fantastic piece of gear! I just wish it would show up in the console app.
G. Claggett
UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt -- FREE
Got my promotional Satellite FREE when I purchased an Apollo 8 Duo this past December...It does pay to pay attention to the UA promotions. I must say, just plugged it in, downloaded software, installed the software and I was off to the races. It just works!
That is a good thing. The additional DSP horsepower is needed if you will be doing anything more than just simple tracking. That said, the plugins are top shelf and I have purchased additional ones that sound amazing. I will be keeping an eye out for more promotions from UA. Buying a thunderbolt cable shouldn't break anyone who can afford to buy the UA gear, but it would be a nice touch on the part of UA to include the cable.
P. Macaluso
portable power
very good for travel.add more power and dsp to your gear!!! amazing.
L. Fernandes
Due to the plugins this device is amazing. Also indispensable since most of the new plugins consume A LOT of DSP. UA could, however, provide a thunderbolt cable...
R. Wydh
satelite is perfect good flow using two 8 apollo QAD with the satellite and have no prob with the usage of plugins anymore
R. Wydh
satelite is perfect good flow using two 8 apollo QAD with the satellite and have no prob with the usage of plugins anymore
it' nice
compact, very powerful, and makes running the plugins smooth as. Great addition.
작지만 큰 확장
늘 부족했던 자원을 이 작은 기기를 통해 아주 큰 규모로 확장시켰다.
A. Lopez
Great Product! Why No Thunderbolt Cable?
The UAD line of products is excellent. However, after spending so much money on purchasing it, the least they could do is include a thunderbolt cable. Making the user purchase yet another cable leaves a really cheap after taste.
K. Castens
PAN Law!!!!
Hi! ist all great. But please program a Pan Law for the Mono Button in the Consoleapp. I know you want Analog but This button is not Analog. So you Output starts Clipping if i produce 0DbFs Peak Music. If you don't change it this Button is useless. Sorry. The Rest is wonderfull :-)) Really Good (6 from 5 Stars) Sounding Interface.
K. Castens
PAN Law!!!!
Hi! ist all great. But please program a Pan Law for the Mono Button in the Consoleapp. I know you want Analog but This button is not Analog. So you Output starts Clipping if i produce 0DbFs Peak Music. If you don't change it this Button is useless. Sorry. The Rest is wonderfull :-)) Really Good (6 from 5 Stars) Sounding Interface.
o. froning
Perfect combination!
With my new UAD-2 Satellite Thunderbolt in addition to my Apollo 8 this is a real workhorse !!! perfect integration via Thunderbolt. UAD made my day,
A. Trabhardt
pure love
I love it...
I use the Satellite Thunderbolt in Combination with my Apollo 8 Quad - I love both!
Love it!
Working perfect together with Apollo Twin. Plenty of power. It simply amazing!
N. Dettenbach
the "must" for in the box mixers/masters
If you are one of the modern serious producers which tend to work itb ("in the box") with digital tools UADs DSP platform UAD 2 is still a must. It offers some of the best analog emulations on the market. The ability to fastly set up and switch between many instances of a boutique gear device (without the digfferences from device to device), presets and ("noise free") routings offer work flows which arent possible even if you have the highest budgets on your pocket and unlimited access to analog gear. A few of the plugins still have "headroom" to reach the originals (ist this is you main goal), but even then still very useful in many situations even if you have the original hardware.
A. Conquest
Looks Good and Sounds Good
Sounds good, and it looks good. It would be nice if you guys sold a kit that would allow it to be racked.
D. Kane
Absolutely vital
I can't live without this - especially as many of the new UA plugs are so cpu intensive!
I. Papagiannidis
best choise for a portable studio
best choice for a portable studio.
so much power in a small box that can carried everywhere!
thank you UAD team!
John Jeff Touch
rock singer/producer/vocal coach
At last...
A must have piece of equipment at any mastering or mixing studio! Power in a box full of great sound. Well done UAD. Keep up delivering the great sound of the future!
R. Mondejar
Estoy muy satisfecho con la compra, Apollo tiene una calidad de sonido excepcional y poder usar los plugins sin retardo es una gran ventaja...