Apollo の購入で UAD プラグインが無料 !

UADアクセラレーターが最大$300割引き。12月31日に終了。 販売店を探す›

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UADプラグインをストア全体でお得に購入。7 月 22 日 まで。今すぐ購入›

  • 概要
  • レビュー
  • 4.8/5

通常価格: $299.00


You'll Save 33%



11 種類の「必須」UADプラグインとインストゥルメントを使用して、数十年にわたるクラシックアルバムで聴かれた豊かなアナログトーンを低価格で手に入れましょう。UAハードウェアは必要ありません。

伝説的なTeletronix LA-2A コンプレッサーの3バージョン、クラシックなPultec EQのコレクション、Oxide Tape Recorder 、などを備えており(個別に購入すると$1,493相当)、それらのプロフェッショナルなアナログサウンドにより、あなたの作品が飛躍的に充実します。



UAD Essentials EditionプラグインはMacまたはPC上でネイティブに動作し、互換性のあるDAWである、Pro Tools、Logic、Ableton、FL Studio、Cubase、Studio One、Reaper、LUNA、などでご利用いただけます。


UAD Native

Apollo リアルタイムとUAD-2

システム要件:UAD Native プラグインは、macOS 10.15 Catalina 以降と Windows 10 と 11 の両方で動作します。システム要件は UAサポートページでご確認ください。

  • アイコニックなチューブコンプレッサーとEQを使用し、ボーカル、ベース、シンセ、などにアナログの暖かさと質感を追加
  • 磁気テープをドラム、ボーカル、そしてギターに通し太いサウンドを体験
  • 受賞歴に輝くプレートリバーブとテープエコーを通したボーカルや楽器のアンビエンスと空間を探索
  • EQ、コンプレッション、そしてマイクプリアンプを備えた使いやすいチューブチャンネルストリップで完璧なテイクをキャプチャー
  • アルバム対応のサウンドが詰め込まれたヴィンテージの魅力溢れるアナログシンセを体験

PolyMAX Synth

ヴィンテージにインスピレーションを受けた当社のシンセは、プロデューサー、サウンド デザイナー、そしてミュージシャンにポリシンセシスの黄金時代の太いアナログトーンを提供します。 PolyMAXの温かみのあるアナログモデル化されたオシレーターとフィルター、プロフェッショナルなUAエフェクト、そして厳選されたプリセットは、あらゆるジャンルに簡単にフィットし、すぐにアルバムに対応できるサウンドを提供します。

Century Tube Channel Strip


Pultec Passive EQ Collection

オリジナルのアナログハードウェアと区別できない程、極めて正確に再現された3種類のPultec EQをフィーチャー、John Mayer、Daft Punk、そしてMariah Careyのエンジニアが使用したものと同じシルキーなカーブをボーカル、ドラム、鍵盤類、などに追加しましょう。

Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveler Collection


Galaxy Tape Echo

Pink FloydやDavid Bowie、からKing Tubby、Scientist、 やLee “Scratch” Perryに至るまで、誰もが使用したアイコニックなアナログ機器の決定版エミュレーションを使用して、ドラム、ボーカル、ギター、そしてシンセに微妙なテープディレイとカラフルな不協和音を追加します。

Pure Plate Reverb


Oxide Tape Recorder

受賞歴に輝くAmpexおよびStuderテープマシンエミュレーションをベースにしたOxide Tape Recorderは、必要なコントロールのみを備えたプロ仕様のアナログテープの暖かみ、プレゼンス、雰囲気を提供し、より素早く目的のサウンドに行き着き、すべてをレコードのように聞こえる様に加工します。


これらのプラグインを使用するには、Universal Audioのハードウェアが必要ですか?



はい、14日間のプラグインデモが利用可能です。 対象となるプラグインを探す›







UAD Essentials Edition

Overall Rating


M. Heaphy


The Pultec Passive EQ collection> Excellent

Way back in the 70's I remember going to a studio in NJ that had the Pultec EQ in their rack. I could not believe the sound they produced. Now UA has done an excellent job in making this series of EQ's that come the closest to that original sound I heard in that studio...This is a must have for a home studio and I could not be happier with this purchase...Wonderful and keep up the great work...Regards, Michael

J. Grandberg


Great product for the money.

I have demo'd many of the other Pultec plugins and owned the new production hardware unit. This plugin version attempts more of the tube mojo than the others, and pulls it off as well as a plugin can. As with any plugin when you start layering saturators etc the signal falls apart somewhat; which is the physics of 0's and 1's vs real analog but buying this plugin anytime it's on sale is a no brainer. Yes you can shape that "Pultec curve" somewhat with other EQ's but sometimes simplicity is best. I'm glad I bought this, hope to own another hardware piece some day!

J. Millirons


Smash the Wonk!!!

So yeah if ya need a lil' sumn to kick that wonky , a lil' scale that rock wall on a state solid donkey !! It is essential to tinker with the knobs until you freely fall into blissful sounds . That surround as they grab you up , and command your precious attention . Leaving you with an undeniable longing to twist further still . Leading you with foresight , hungry , and awaiting your next meal .

k. sivasankar


Beautifully simple.

Love the sound. Love the simplicity of programming this that can yield amazingly complex sounding results. Well done UA. I bought this and the Opal and they are both stunning.

Y. Xu


GME = God Made Equalizer

This thing save my ass, save my ball, save my time, save my life, save my love !

t. tooley


Galaxy Tape Echo

So much echo my walls are reverberating!

t. tooley


Pultec Passive EQ

Amazing sounding EQ. Adds analogue warmth and body.

V. Melo


UaD Pultec Passive EQ collection

Definitely the best Pultec emulation I've ever used, it brings a very present analog coloring.
UaD's Pultec Passive EQ collection has already earned a place in my Mixing Chain.

d. ruiz


La mejor emulacion de Pultec, hermosos

Universal Audio siempre sorprendente, los uso en todas mis mezclas y master

M. Campbell


Should have 5 stars but........

... Too many plugins in these bundles that are included when I bought my Apollo unit. Other than that, i got an amazing deal between the sale price and my discount code. I never would have bought the Century Tube Channel but now I abuse this plugin when people send me tracks recorded at home on lesser preamps/interface.

R. Choriev




E. Önbayraktar



if you want to strenghten up your tracks, give them body and punch, and make them really heard in your entire mix without touching your volume fader, this is what you need..

J. Telge


good analog sounding Synth

Like and use this one a lot. Yes, to be online its a little bit anoying, but for me at least its ok. I only work in my Studio.

S. Shin


Great EQ!!

Finally, I bought Pultec EQ!
This sound is so great!

c. cowie


This Was A Major Surprise - The LA2 & Pultec Combo

I needed an affordable soundcard for some laptop work outside my main studio, so I opted for the UA Volt 1, the cheapest option available. That turned out to be a great purchase, well worth the price. Along with the soundcard, I received a bundle of free plugins, including the LA2. and the LA2A Gray and Silver compressors and the Pultec EQs. Over the years, I've accumulated numerous plugins, but I don't even install most of them anymore. For the past seven years, my go-to EQ has been Fabfilter, which is functional and does the job. For compression, I usually rely on Ableton's stock plugins simply because all my other comps are no better. I spent years searching for plugins with that elusive "mojo," and I had basically given up and made a decision I wasn't even going to bother downloading the bundle.

But one evening after using the soundcard for about two weeks I thought, OK I will check them out, expecting the usual underwhelming results. Plugins downloaded, fired up a session and to my major surprise, I found myself very quickly impressed. I started applying the LA2A compressors and Pultec EQs on various tracks and very quickly replaced all other comps and Eqs in the session with the LA2s and Pultecs. Just initiating the LA2's without adjusting anything seemed to hit the mark every time - and still does.. The EQ;s I was pushing to max and still track elements sounded good. However, I told my self its just my imagination, after all I've been here many times before and its probably just that placebo effect of thinking something sounds great and the next day I will know its just my imagination. But the next day the session still sounded good, and what I was hearing suspiciously sounded like Mojo. I was beginning to realise the plugins had genuinely helped me improve the sound. The mix had a vibe reminiscent of what I used to achieve with analog consoles, and the compressors added a cool, pumpy quality to the tracks. Even when over pumped, still sounded good - It was just more vibe.

But because years of reality hitting and the ultimate come down I was still thinking this newfound enthusiasm will wear off because that's what always happens. But, that's not what happened. I've continued to use the LA2A and Pultec plugins in every session since. I'm actually enjoying EQ'ing and compressing stuff - Imagine that!. Yes, I also hear that 3D thing others talks about in their reviews.. Coming from someone who had grown jaded with plugins over the years, believe me, this is a significant endorsement.

I don't know what magic the UAD coders have worked, but to me these plugins are very musical and have legit Mojo. And you know what's also great about them - no fancy flashy distracting Guis which force you to mix with eyes. Needless to say the coders have done a 10+ star job. I've never owned the original hardware, but have owned some emulations in the past and these plugins outshine others by all others I have tried or owned by a huge margin. The fact that I got them with a £100 soundcard, which also included a decent Plate Reverb, an Echo (not really my style), a channel strip, and a Synth, is incredible. But its the LA2A and Pultec plugins that are the true stars of the bundle though and its well worth picking up the Volt 1 just to get the plugins.. They are now my absolute and only go to EQ and Comps and only if I need to get very surgical will I fire up the Fab.



Great pack!

Excellent products .
Crazy good price > I Simply I Love it !!!!! Now ... Just waiting for another promo code to get the Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection :)

R. Oliveira


The Best

Great job.

z. ben dawid


False Advertisement

I was told when I bought the plugins that I didn't need the physical equipment, but when try to apply the plugins in my DAW it say not able to use with out the physical interface. I am very disappointed.

D. Wall



Excellent plugins, they are all really useful and the quality is phenomenal. Highly recommended

D. Wall



Excellent plugins, they are all really useful and the quality is phenomenal. Highly recommended