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Marshall® Plexi Super Lead 1959

Overall Rating

241-260 of298件の結果

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T. Caudron


Très bon rendu des nuances de jeu

Ce plexi est la meilleur simulation que je connaisse. La seule pour ma part qui me donne l'impression d'être branché sur un véritable ampli. Les nuances de jeu sont incroyablement bien rendues et la partie console, avec les trois sets de micros, permet d'obtenir assez rapidement le son voulu. C'est un peu cher pour un seul ampli mais par rapport à du hardware c'est quand même très raisonnable.



Feels So Real...

Although I already own other Amp Simulations I bought it after testing. While tracking with Apollo Twin it feels so real and is very enjoyable to play. The Sound also seems very authentic to me. Using it as an unison plug creates perhaps its special vibe but also can not profit form panning the different microphone settings because these processors seems to be only working in mono. Furthermore the sound is becoming very compressed at higher volume levels, loosing a bit of the realism created in the first place.

s. monette


Quick and good!

Easy to use and easy to dial in the sound I need! Quick and good results!

D. Laney


Good one!

I recently sold a '76 non-master volume 100-watt JMP that was my touring amp for years. Beforehand had a '74 50-watt non-master volume head. This plugin version sounds absolutely spectacular and captures the essence of the amp. By far the best amp SIM that I've ever played through. I think I could actually record an entire album with this and people wouldn't know the difference between the SIM and the real thing. And that's crazy... My only one suggestion would be the ability for different mic combinations. Not crazy different, but a modern "standard" on this amp would be a dynamic (57 or M88) combined with a modern ribbon (Royer 121 or so). It would be fantastic not to be stuck in one valve/ribbon/dynamic world. Nonetheless, great job UA!

m. matatquin


Pretty damn close if not spot on..

I own a late 60s marshall plexi, an early 70s jmp super lead and a 50w marshall plexi reissue and I have tried various 'plexi' emulation plugins and this one blows everyone out of the water and sounds soooo good it it actually making me think about selling my real plexi haha! I was amazed at the low end chugging palm muting thing it replicates as if playing thru the real thing. The cab tone is realistic- very impressive.
Listen for yourself.

G. Martin


Better then Axe FX II??

I've been tinkering with getting great tones with my Axe FX for quite some time now. I must say, when I first inserted this into my Unison slot, I was blown away. Some tweaking to my taste, and I got better tones then my Axe FX, which also blew me away. I'm a bluesy player who loves both Fender and Marshall tones. This plugin emulation is my new fav for my guitar. With some more tinkering...I'm now using my Axe FX II with amp and cab sims OFF, link in the FX Loop and I've got 4 channels (or 2 stereo) of different guitar tones to record with. I can insert ALL 4 Marshall Plexi's each with different tones into each Unison slot!! (I've got 2 Apollos) Insane tonal possibilities with this setup. Demo it, you'll like it!




I tested the demo - and had no chance not to buy it :-). After i got a 50,- voucher (Thank you, UAD) i bought it and don´t wanna miss the plexi anymore. Just amzazing.

A. Suanlarm


Awesome amp!

I think this amp sim captures the Marshall feel quite well. This is the tone that I'm looking for when I want to record a Marshall. Of course, it can't do a Vox or Twin, but that's not why I bought it. Please make more amp sims. If they're as good as this one, I'm definitely buying.

D. DiPietro


Another tool....

and I mean that in a good way. Did a quick demo when it first came out and found the presets useless. When my demos got reset after picking up some more plugins I spent a little more time with it. It doesn't sound like my only Marshall to my ears, but after tweaking it a bit I slowly came to appreciate that it's close enough and my ears don't take a beating.
Really my only negative point with most of UA amp plugins is not that they're not realistic or true sounding, it's that they seem to forget that 4x10 cab's exist also........

s. kgr


The sound is correctly Marshall.

I used this plug-in electric guitar line recording. The sound is correctly Marshall. Sound that sounded the cabinet in the studio is the fun make easily. In addition, enjoy the variations since even choose microphone, this is Marshall system if there is I think that's okay.

H. Lemke


TOP 10 Guitar Plug-in

One of the best guitar software in the last 3 years!

p. meeks


UA Marshall Plexi Plug in is outstandin

The UA Marshall Plexi plug in, is off the charts !!! The sounds, funtionality, and options with different Mics, levels adjustments, and choice of Mics, is to say the least "Fantastic"....I was shocked to hear how great this plug in sounded. I have several Vintage Marshall Amps and cabs . I have used them live and recorded with them.... With this plug in, I do not have to set them up, mic them and so on. The libray / pre-sets that comes with this plug in is outstanding.I can use many differnt ones as a staring point, or as I have done many times already, just picked a pre-set and went with it.... I am very picky about the tone, feel, and flexibility of my of all my gear....just like most other players. This plug in delivers fully.

p. meeks


UA Marshall Plexi Plug in is outstandin

The UA Marshall Plexi plug in, is off the charts !!! The sounds, funtionality, and options with different Mics, levels adjustments, and choice of Mics, is to say the least "Fantastic"....I was shocked to hear how great this plug in sounded. I have several Vintage Marshall Amps and cabs . I have used them live and recorded with them.... With this plug in, I do not have to set them up, mic them and so on. The libray / pre-sets that comes with this plug in is outstanding.I can use many differnt ones as a staring point, or as I have done many times already, just picked a pre-set and went with it.... I am very picky about the tone, feel, and flexibility of my of all my gear....just like most other players. This plug in delivers fully.

m. aissa


Marshall Plexi Super Lead 1959

vraiment un super plugin c'est un plaisir de joué avec pour moi c'est le top des amplis en plugin magnifique

J. Seung Heon



this + synth = brutal tones
never heard before..

S. Hyland


Marshall law declared!

'X' many years ago, I gigged in front of a Marshall stack, and now I can feel a warm glow in my heart as I tweak and find every tone that I used to love, right here in my DAW. Great, great job from Softube, and UAD here.

Routed correctly, into the console with, say the SSL channel strip and the AKG spring reverb out on a stereo Aux., and who could ever want anything more.

The dream will be complete, when a classic Fender combo, with tremolo follows suit.

As an aside, the excellent tone tips that can be found on UAD's YouTube channel really get you straight to the cream of this excellent plugin. Great job guys.

A. Klyushnikov


Plastic Sound

Not even close to the real thing. Sorry.

E. Moore


A Jimi-ian We Will Go...

I wanted a guitar model for my UAD system. Plugin your guitar. 610B to get the level up. Then this plugin. OceanWay Studios on the aux send. Throw in the Reflection engine for a little room ambience... bam nails that early 1970s crunchy guitar tone you've heard on a ton of albums. With a Stratocaster your get that really nice Hendrix tone where the tone just about breaks into distortion. When you hit and bend strings it gives you those nice harmonic overtones. You really can't believe your listening to headphones. The microphone emulation of the cabinets is incredible versatile too. Nails so many textures on those old albums..you won't be disappointed.

R. Best



I just recorded some lead guitar with a Gibson Historic Les Paul SG Custom through the Marshall Plexi. Not having a lot of time, I scrolled through the presets and came upon a lead tone that was probably the thickest, creamy, musical tone that I have heard since Slash. I can't imagine that a more useful guitar amp plugin exists. I have a couple of Marshalls, and have toured and recorded through them for years, so I am used to them. The sweet thing about this plugin, is that the modeling of the mics and the management of the high volume levels of the real amps save time and effort, and it lets you get right to the music.

All I can say is, this is one UA plugin you can't do without! Great price too!

R. Hill



Best amp sim I've tried! Love it :) Just plug in and play...

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