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Apollo x8

Overall Rating

221-240 of288件の結果

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A. Parker


Amazing interface

I have has zero issues with my Apollo units. Easy to set up, plus the UAD plugins are incredible. Great combo of hardware and software

R. Black


Best Purchase I Made For My Studio !

Getting the Apollo X8 is one of the best things I’ve purchased as far as integrating everything in my studio. I have my hardware connected to it running flawlessly and the D/A conversion is amazing ! I plan on getting the Apollo X16 next.



Power in a small package

So far the x8 has proven to sound great and improve the work flow in my studio. I'm very pleased with this piece of hardware, it's a very welcome addition to my setup.

M. Rufino



The apollo x8 is such a huge leap from the interfaces I had previously used. On a week long session last week, I was blown away by how all the tracks are now fitting together with less effort. The unison preamp concept is great (but I'm sad that those demos will be running out!), and listening back through the converters has me hearing so much more depth, width, and detail than I had previously heard. I highly recommend this interface.

J. Stevens



Solid, well built and sounds great. Super bang for the buck. This is the new center piece of my studio.

M. Vorwerk


Not really compatible

Just recently bought my apollo x8. And I already have more problems with it then I had with my Motu in the past 11 years.
In all honesty they should not sell it as compatible with Windows (10). Cause it just Isn’t.
Setting the card up was a horrible experience which required very difficult to make motherboard and software updates.
After I finally got it installed I noticed that it doesn’t connect to system audio (like media player, youtube etc.) the moment you start up the computer. For some reason I need to restart twice for the apollo to connect properly.
I noticed that the sounds of my synths in my daw hang more often. Which requires a rebooth of the apollo. That never happened with the motu. And frequent messages pop up in windows stating that it can not find the thunderbolt connection while it actually does. So all in all a lot of issues for windows users.
The thing I do like is the quick and easy Routing to my outboard gear and offcourse the uad plugins and the converters.
I should of bought the new prism sound and a UAD sattelite.
But for now I have to hope that Universal audio makes the software/ hardware better compatible for windows users.

R. Smith


Upgraded my Apollo duo silver

So much more DSP now. Definitely needed it. Also got a new Mac Mini. Everything worked as expected. Put it in +24 mode. I don't hear a difference but, the Silver Apollo sounded great so if there is a difference, it is too close to tell. I just love the extra DSP.

A. Lászlóffy-Gutt


New x8

I am absolutely satisfied with the unit. I can only recommend it for those who want the best! Dynamics, clarity of sound and unbelievable detail. Works so well together with my ISA828. :)

D. De Pietri


Clean & Powerful TB3 interface!

Really low latency. Solid sound. The Unison feature is a winner.

a. rivas



Just 1 month of using my new apollo x8. the difference between this and the 8p is amazing! much more depth to my mixes. I feel like I have new ears :) Highly recommend the upgrade to the x series

E. Cervantes



Wow. That’s pretty much it. The headroom is so significant and better than my previous interface. Thought I’m only using this for line in(drums with api pres) I can push my pres much more than previously. Killer product.

R. Gulian


I didn't want to do it

I resisted entering the UAD world for years and I'm glad I did. I needed to learn what was possible and impossible in a hybrid setup before before I got a piece of equipment that pretty much lets me do what I want. The x8 and really any sort of track-centric interface is for people who want to make decisions at the recording phase and the x8 offers some really attractive and stunning choices. The little bit of mixing I've done on it has been effortless and fun because the raw tracks sound so freaking good.
This is a pro instrument. My hardware preamps, compressors and eqs sound better than the Unisons but not by much and the Unisons are so much easier to use.

C. Wong



My 11-year old MOTU Ultralite is still working but I thought of upgrading to something with more I/Os. Not sure if I could hear the quality of the new AD/DA converters in the Apollo x8, but, 'wow'! There is really a difference between this new generation of converters versus the previous generations. Having some quality plugins to me is just a bonus— one could just buy the Apollo for the sound alone.

P. Salazar


In Love.

Moving from my Fireface 800 to my new Apollo X8 has been a huge step forward. I'm in love with the Unison plugins, with the converters and and with the warmth and depth of the sound. It's the feeling of being in another league.

L. Cagle



If your reading this; just do it already.You won't be disappointed.

V. Sidenko


solid, comfort, sound

Excellent device.

M. Hakim


Necessary for a Professional Studio

Great selection of features paired with good hardware and awesome sound quality.

J. Dockerty


Majestic beauty

Works like a charm and sounds like bliss.



Apollo X8/Twin Quad upgrade from Motu Traveler w/ Mojavi

As an old timer recording in the late 80's and 90's on analog. It's amazing that the equipment I have in a bedroom is better than the studio I recorded then in at Castle Sound in Abilene. The only thing that can't be replaced are the Meltones and the late Michael Henry. This is an absolutely pristine interface with Logic Pro and the UA plugins.

T. Brighton


Apollo X8 from silver 8 duo

The X8 has more weight a more solid sound with it switched to 24 volt . I'm using a dangerous D box and a big ben and there has been an improvement in sound quality with the X8 . I will know more once I track with the new conversion .

221-240 of288件の結果

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