API® Summing
API Summing
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H. Powell
A P i Summing
It”s Great. I use it everyday
B. Bell
Nice Smooth Punch
Adds some nice midrange punch to your mix.
M. Brown
As a new LUNA user, this is one of my favorite plugins. Really ties the room together.
Y. Sagarra Rodriguez
Merece las 5 estrellas aunque me gustaría usarlo en otros DAW.
V. Silva
I just didn't give it 5 stars because it's impossible to use it in another DAW. But the sound is incredible, what it does in the low end I couldn't find in any other plugin… It's worth it and I can't live without it in my mixes anymore
P. Oliveira
It's really incredible what this plugin can do. I was really skeptical since I'm used to real analog summing but it sounds amazing. Best buy in months and if you need to choose between the Neve and the API plugin I'd stay with the API first, for a cleaner and punchier feel. If you feel like to expand your options the Neve will be a good adition later on.
R. Vargas
Brining everything forward with punch
I was skeptical about this one as it wasn’t as dramatic effect as the Neve summing but flipping back and forth, I can hear that API punch and clarity everyone talks about. Can’t vouch for how authentic it is compared to the hardware but if people with API console experience dig it, it works for me.
J. Whitesides
Complete the Sum
This is a fantastic addition to completing what I'd call the API trifecta. Having the API channel strips, pre-amps, EQs, Compressors without the API Summing in LUNA is doing yourself a disservice. I've become a Summing convert, for both the API and the Neve. Whatever the mojo is, it's a much needed additional tool in the mixing war-chest for that added extra 1% to put you over the top.
E. Morgan
Just brilliant.
This is a brilliant pluging on the stereo main. Glues everything together and adds weight and punch.
I currently have this on the main of a session that's got a Zeppelin vibe, especially the drums, and A/B'ing it in/out at unity gain you can 100% hear the difference it makes to the overall mix.
Glad I grabbed this one!
S. Lopez
If you switched to Luna
Then Grab It along with the Neve, simple.
K. Houghton
I’m a summing convert!
I never used this approach in a daw but now hear a great difference on many songs and now I will have to redo many songs I thought we’re finished
Give it a shot and you’ll understand .
Happy mixing!
A. Filip
Smooth Sound
Very good on percussive material and it’s really useful for gain-staging your tracks! You can hear something’s changing only when you just put in on your bus
J. Tofte
Glues it all together
It’s like loctite for audio. Great job UA!
T. Laja
API Quality
I used in fx and mix channels. Very good and easy .
J. Lowman
only for people new to DAW.
i'm not about to switch daws for a summing plugin. although i'm not even sure if it would even integrate as easily as it does with luna. COLLAB WITH APPLE FOR A LOGIC PRO X summing SLOT PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!
M. Verblakt
I loved the Neve summing option in LUNA. That's the reason why I obtained the API summing too. This creates the all American console sound. Love it!
W. Krol
API sound
Open wide sounding API summing - and working natively, Great job
Why ?
Why it's not avalaible for all DAWs users, not only LUNA ? Such a shame guys.
A. Lopes dos Santos
Game Changing System
The combination of the Summing and Tape Extensions inside Luna represent a game changing solution, I believe. The effect this system has on the final result of my mixes is simply amazing.
If I had the chance to have jsut one of the now available summing options, I’d take the API, which is less “colored” than the Neve - that might work wonders on some recordings, of course. The API has the typical “bite” we all associate with their products, but also provides lots of clarity and, to my taste, has a gorgoeus effect on the low end frequencies of the mix.
I’ve never heard/felt that “velvety” low end on my mixes, before using this combo (API Summing and ATR-102 Tape), inside Luna.
I work exclusively ITB and this setup has just made me yet more confident that, today, it’s absolutely possible to remain ITB, from start to finish of my work, with no regrets. Congrats, folks!
E. Souza
Totally Wow
Excellent, I love it