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Ampex® ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder

Overall Rating

1021-1029 of1029件の結果

  1. 1
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  3. 48
  4. 49
  5. 50
  6. 51
  7. 52

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J. Hill


The ATR-102 is that huge extra gain at the end of a great mix. I slap it on the 2 buss, turn to look at the clients face, and wait for the jaw to drop. Happens every time. The low end bump, high end clarity, and widening effect just makes it sound right every time. Need a little taming off the top of an ITB mix, just roll the HF screw back a bit and pure analog goodness ensues. Need a little more warmth......, hit the G9 tape roll and get ready for thick city. I pretty much use it on anything, because without it, it just don't have the kick ass factor. I'm not a fanboy for out of the box or in the box discussion. I just know that whatever this is doing, it is making my job easier, and my mixes better.

M. Ballenger


Hands down the best mastering tape emu on the market. Everything is instantly more round and 3D with the ATR-102 applied on the 2buss. I can't get over the way this plug helps glue things together while enhancing the stereo image. The effect is subtle, but it is instantly missed when bypassed. It is an essential tool on all of my work.

B. Lohmeier


It is the perfect Tape machine. So detailed that you can get the sound you are searching for.. Just perfect

R. Campbell


Seems UA will not rest until the stigma of "in the box" music production is eradicated. This plug-in is a stand-out to that commitment. For all of the reasons you'd want a mastering 2 trk reel-to-reel tape recorder (saturation, boost, cohesion), you have the epitome of 2 trks, the Ampex ATR-102, in all its' tweak ability.

M. Mehr


I checked the 14-days-demo-version, just for fun.
That was a "mistake", because i was addicted immediately.
Markus Mehr

M. Mehr


I checked the 14-days-demo-version, just for fun.
That was a "mistake", because i was addicted immediately.

J. Rapha


le top niveau pour le grain anlogique, je ne connais pas mieux, quel chaleur et
rondeur il apporte au mix et meme en mastering, c'est exceptionnel,une fois
mis sur un master de bus ou groupe impossible de s'en passer. une de mes armes

D. St.blaine


I've been using Nebula tape sims for a while and I totally failed to demo the UAD Ampex because I figured that I had enough "subtle" tape sims. And of course the Ampex *can* be subtle but it can also be quite obvious. More so and more pleasingly than the UAD Studer (in my opinion). I use the Studer, the Ampex and Nebula now. Not always all of them on all projects but if I had to choose to keep just one of the three it would definitely be the Ampex.

R. Carmany


Probably the most realistic plug-in I've heard so far - and I have a huge number from Waves, and several other excellent companies. Having worked countless hours for over three decades on analog tape machines by Ampex, Otari, MCI, Studer, etc. I haven't been convinced until now. I think UA did a remarkable job with the ATR-102, and the positive quality it adds to my tracks (especially in Mastering) is significant. Thank you for this wonderful addition to my arsenal.

Rafael Carmany
Cobalt Creative Recording Services

1021-1029 of1029件の結果

  1. 1
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  3. 48
  4. 49
  5. 50
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  7. 52