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Ampeg SVT-3 PRO Bass Amplifier

Overall Rating

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p. miller


Best bass sim amp by far.

I've owned a SVT classic and the 8x10 cab since 1993, so I know what a good bass amp sounds like. When recording at home, I can't used my rig for obvious reasons, so I've always struggled to get the sound I wanted, be it through a sim amp, or my real SamsAmp. When UAD came out with these Ampeg plugins, I first tried the SVT RV, and it sounded great, but the SVT-3 Pro gave me a little more growl, plus the EQ section had more control compared to the RV. There's also a mix knob where I could add in solid-state along with the tube sound, which allowed me to dial in the perfect amount of punch. This plugin, united my kick and bass like never before. There's also no digital harshness. Fantastic job UAD!!!

K. Marrett


Ampeg SVT-3 PRO Bass Amplifier Plug-In

One of UAD's best plugin. Better than all the other bass amp simulations so far. This was something I really needed. I don't know what the hardware sounds like, but I like the software. It is warm and sounds anolog. Worth every penny. I will recommend it to anyone.

S. Tanner


That is the ultimate rock bass plug-in.

The Ampeg SVT-3 PRO Bass Amplifier Plug-In is the ultimate rock bass amp sound.

Our bass player Georgie Zsigmond (TELL) also has a Ampeg with 8x10" speaker cabinet. After we had recorded the bass with the Waves GTR preamplifier you hear practically no difference between the Original and the Plug-In.

All buttons and settings react as expected like the original.

I also own the Bass Amp Room. But the Ampeg SVT-3 PRO is one star better.

B. Dunn



So often plugins are touted to be better than they actually are. Not the case with most UA stuff, so I decided to add one more arrow in my Apollo based studio's quiver and get the Ampeg SVT-3 Pro. The main reason for wanting it was that I've been running my bass in direct and then using EQ and compression to shape it because I do not have a bass amp. As soon as I plugged this in I was amazed and Immediately I was in business. I removed all the other plug ins from my channel and engaged the Ampeg. I played with a few knobs to shape the tone and...done. Really, this is a "plug it in and go" unit and it's one of my smartest purchases for 2015. Thanks UA...you nailed this one.



Really cool bass amplifier!

Unlike guitar amp plugins (Engl, Marshall), this Ampeg is really sounds amazing, big, warm, fat sound! Awesome bass amp!



Ampeg SVT brings the beef!

I tried this last night, and bought it right away after using it on a mix. Just amazing. It took a few minutes to tame the beast, but once it was dialed in, it was incredible. It can go from "way too much" to "too thin" and in-between. I can't wait to track with it ! I never though it was possible to get monster bass sounds with a plug in from a DI. Very impressive.

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