Sphere LX Modeling Microphone
UA Sphere LXモデリングマイクロフォンシステムはBeatlesやBeyoncéからRadiohead やFrank Sinatraまで誰もが愛用した定番のマイクのサウンドを、より小型で手頃な価格のパッケージで提供します。
究極のマイクロッカーの鍵を手に入れようNeumann、Telefunken、AKG、Sony、その他の*20種類もの伝説的なマイク達を搭載したSphere L22は、史上最人気のリボン、コンデンサー、そしいてダイナミックマイクロフォンをあなたのプロダクションに提供します。
Apolloを使ってリアルタイムに最適なマイクを探すSphere LXは各種インターフェイスとDAW上でレコーディングの前、中、後に様々なマイクタイプに切り替え、試聴することができます。Apolloインターフェイスと組み合わせれば、レイテンシーが殆どない状態でこの作業を進められます。
デュアルモードによる定番マイクペアリング機能を活用Sphere LXのデュアルモードで2本のモノラルマイクのサウンドをブレンドし、マイクコンビネーションによるスネアドラムやギターキャビネットの豊かなサウンドの収録を実現します。
より良いレコーディングのために、部屋の音を軽減IsoSphere™機能を用いて、ベッドルームスタジオでの作業からsE Reflexion Filters、Aston Halo、Kaotica Eyeball*などの人気のアイソレーションフィルターと組み合わせた例に至るまで状況に合わせた最適なエキスパートプリセットを使用して部屋の脚色を簡単に抑え、よりクリーンでプロフェッショナルなレコーディングを実現します。
一生モノの製品デュアルゴールドスパッタダイアフラムと、この クラスのマイクの中で最も低いノイズ を誇る Sphere LXは、あなたのスタジオ に音楽、ポッドキャスト、ボイスオーバーに長年にわたってインスピレーションを与えるために精密に作られた最高級の ラージダイアフラムコンデンサーマイクを提供します。
録音に必要なすべてが付属Sphere LXマイクにはプロ仕様のショックマウント、10フィートケーブル、マイクスタンドマウント、頑丈なフライトケースが含まれており、すぐに伝説的なマイクのサウンドで制作を開始することができます。
A. Frederic
C'est génial et impressionnant !
Reçu en cadeau après l'achat d'une Apollo x4 le micro est génial ! Cette technologie marche hyper bien bravo.
続きを読むJ. Heidecke
Good Mic
It is interesting playing around with the mic-collection-software, but mostly, I end up using the mic "pure", often switching the phase of the rear-side and...
続きを読むZ. Music
Amazing Mic!
I am very happy with this guy! There is nothing in this price point that can compete with this mic and I would dare to say this mic can compete with mics 3 x its price. It sounds soooo...
続きを読むD. Noca
Game Changer
All I can say is that paired with an Apollo Solo and the LUNA recording system my vocal recordings have elevated by leaps and...
続きを読むD. Claypack
The "End All' and "Be All" of Microphones
Never knew much about mics in general. Always wanted a condenser mic and almost pulled the trigger on a Mojave. Fortunately, and just in time, I saw the LX and watched all the videos and...
続きを読む -
UA Sphere LX Modeling Microphone
A. Frederic
C'est génial et impressionnant !
Reçu en cadeau après l'achat d'une Apollo x4 le micro est génial !
Cette technologie marche hyper bien bravo.J. Heidecke
Good Mic
It is interesting playing around with the mic-collection-software, but mostly, I end up using the mic "pure", often switching the phase of the rear-side and summerize rear and front more or less, a very good microphone! To be honest: I haven`t expecting this, when I get it in the course of a promation. I own some of the "originals", like sm69, U47, 421 etc., but the sphere is a very usable tool, I won`t miss it anymore!
Z. Music
Amazing Mic!
I am very happy with this guy! There is nothing in this price point that can compete with this mic and I would dare to say this mic can compete with mics 3 x its price. It sounds soooo good! I would also like to add that the build quality is second to none. It is built to last. Well done UA and Townsend Labs!
D. Noca
Game Changer
All I can say is that paired with an Apollo Solo and the LUNA recording system my vocal recordings have elevated by leaps and bounds. I upgraded from a focusrite scarlet 2i2 3rd gen and Aston Microphones Origin recording in Cubase and mixing in Studio One. I’m new to mixing and the old set up produced okay enough sound quality I’m sure if I was more experienced would probably have produced even better results. But once I saved up and got The Apollo Solo and Sphere microphone there is a noticeable difference in sound quality. I don’t have to do as much processing to get a great sound. I cut Cubase out of my process and only use Studio One to strip silence, align vocals, automation, and trackspacer for Luna doesn’t have these functions and trackspacer can only side chain one track at a time.
I blended an 800-G with a 251, 12, and 103 mic (3 different presets) and use the API vision channel strip because the expander on it cuts all background noise and gives me cleaner recordings. The Sphere LX is worth the money especially with a good interface. If you have a decent setup this mic will definitely elevate your gameD. Claypack
The "End All' and "Be All" of Microphones
Never knew much about mics in general. Always wanted a condenser mic and almost pulled the trigger on a Mojave. Fortunately, and just in time, I saw the LX and watched all the videos and was immediately sold. Recently UA had these discounted and I knew it was time. As it happened, the plugins went on sale a couple of weeks later. With all the coupons UA was emailing me, I ended up getting the Bill Putman collection. That means LX users get ALL the mic models included with the DLX. Turns out, more discount coupons arrived in my inbox and I purchased the Ocean Ways as well. With 58 mic models now in hand, I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in vintage microphones all in one place for less than $1000. This is a total game changer! Buy it and don't look elsewhere... you won't regret it! Wish we could use dual mode blending BP with OW, but beggars can't be choosers!