6176 Vintage Channel Strip
6176 Vintage Channel Stripは、Bill Putnamが設計した、610マイクプリの魅力的なチューブ・サウンドと1176LNのFETコンプレッションを組み合わせた究極のレコーディング・チャンネルストリップです。
このマイププリの暖かみのあるスムーズな音色は、Frank Sinatraから Van Halenまで、多くの音楽をレコーディングするために使用され、そしてコンプレッサーのユニークなキャラクターが世界中のスタジオで6176が使用される2つの理由です。Bill Putnam設計による610モジュラー・コンソールを引き継ぐオールチューブ・マイクプリアンプ
40年以上に渡り、多くのヒットレコードで使用された1176LN クラスA FET コンプレッサー部
米国内でハンドメイドされたビンテージ UAユニットでトラックをシェイピング
直感的なコントロールと独自のサウンドにより、6176はVance Powell、Joe Chiccarelliといった巨匠達やChris Martin(Coldplay)、Norah Jones、Wyclef Jean、James Mercer(Shins)といったアーティストからの絶大な信頼を得るようになりました。シンプルなスイッチによりプリアンプとコンプレッサー部を“Split、Join”させる機能により6176により柔軟性が加えられました。これは最高のチャンネルストリップであり、世界トップクラスのプレミア・チャンネルストリップです。
610B — 世界が知るマイクプリアンプ
2-610マイク/インストゥルメント用プリアンプについては、世界各地から賞賛の声が上がっています。Michael Cooper (Mix Magagine誌)氏は、レビュー記事の中で「今まで聞いた中で最も立体的に感じたマイクプリ」と記し、Wyclef JeanやJennifer Lopezのエンジニア/プロデューサーのPeter Wadeは単刀直入に「この機材は最高だ!」と叫んだといいます。6176のマイクプリ部は、2-610のクオリティとキャラクターを保ちつつ、優れた低域のレスポンスを向上させる高電圧仕様と、フロントパネルに15dbパッドスイッチを追加しています。
1176LN — 音色を持ったコンプレッサー
伝説のエンジニア/プロデューサー、Andy Johnsは“1176LNは、本当に頼りになるコンプレッサーだ”と言います。実際、1176LNは歴史上、最も使用頻度の多いコンプレッサーの一つと言えます。そのトレードマークである速いアタック&リリース、クラスA出力アンプは、過去35年、数限りない録音現場で使用されてきました。6176のコンプレッサー・セクションは伝統を固く守り、小さな部品に至るまで忠実に1176LNを再現しています。結果として生み出されるサウンドキャラクターは、他のチャンネル・ストリップでは決して再現不可能でしょう。
“Chris Martin's [of Coldplay] vocals always go through a 6176.”
– Rik Simpson (Coldplay, Portishead, Jay Z)レビュー
Spectacular pre, great comp, versatile and never dull
Amazing pre amp, versatile but especially good at capturing vintage (but hi-fi) sounds. The gain staging allows the user to finely tune in the sound they want, at higher gain settings such...
続きを読むM. Alderete
They’re all right about one thing. Big, fat, warm sound. Easy dial in, DONE.
This is my first channel strip, and I’m really impressed. It is fairly cheap if you compare unit price if you get them separately. I can’t say the difference between the very original...
続きを読むJ. Harris
6176 joy
Works great. I think I may order a 2nd unit. I love the join/split option.
続きを読む -
Bill Putnam 設計による“610モジュラーコンソール”を引継いだオールチューブ・デュアルチャンネルプリアンプ部
40年以上、多数のヒットレコードに使用された伝説の1176LN クラスA FETコンプレッサー部
ハイ/ロー シェルビングEQ
1176SAステレオアダプター を使用してのステレオ使用可能(別売)
Microphone Input Impedance: Selectable, 500 Ω(ohms) or 2k
Balanced Line Input Impedance: 20k Ω
Hi-Z Input Impedance: Selectable between 2.2 M Ω or 47 k Ω
Maximum Microphone Input Level: +18 dBu (2k input impedance and 15 dB Pad in)
Maximum Output Level: +20 dBm
Internal Output Impedance: 80 Ω
Recommended Minimum Load: 600 Ω
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0, -1 dB
Maximum Gain: 65 dB (500 Ω input impedance)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio > 90 dB (@ maximum gain)
Limiting Amplifier:
Input Impedance: Selectable, 15k Ω (ohms) or 600 Ω
Output Load: Impedance 600 Ω (floating)
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz ± 1 dB
Gain: 40 dB, ± 1 dB
Distortion: > 0.5% T.H.D. from 50 Hz – 15 kHz with limiting, at 1.1 seconds release setting. Output of +22 dBm with no greater than 0.5% T.H.D.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: > 75 dB
Attack Time: Adjustable, from 20 to 800 microseconds
Release Time: Adjustable, from 50 milliseconds to 1.1 seconds
Stereo Interconnection: Optional, using 1176SA stereo interconnect accessory
Tube Complement: (1) 12AX7A, (1) 12AT7A
Power Requirements: 115V/230V
Power Connector: Detachable IEC power cable.
Fuse: 400 mA time delay (slow blow) / 115 V200 mA time delay (slow blow) / 230 V
Power Indicator Light: 28 V bulb (type 1819)
Dimensions 1: 9" W x 3.5" H x 12.25" D (two rack unit)
Weight: 12 lb.
6176 Vintage Channel Strip
supe mic preamp
reliable geret, works for years
Spectacular pre, great comp, versatile and never dull
Amazing pre amp, versatile but especially good at capturing vintage (but hi-fi) sounds. The gain staging allows the user to finely tune in the sound they want, at higher gain settings such as +10 the sound becomes softer and fuller. I find this exceptional at taming some of the harsher frequencies of my U87AI. The U87 is a mic I can’t recommend enough as a partner for this pre. The warmth of the 6176 and the clarity of the 87 creates such a full and balanced sound. The addition of the 1176 allows for quick tracking and the separate I/O and split/join modes makes it versatile for mixing. 10/10
M. Alderete
They’re all right about one thing. Big, fat, warm sound. Easy dial in, DONE.
This is my first channel strip, and I’m really impressed. It is fairly cheap if you compare unit price if you get them separately. I can’t say the difference between the very original pieces but I can tell, vocals, bass guitar and my stainless steel guitar sound really good through it. Big fat warm yummy sound! If you look for more clarity, this might be a good choice. The the colored sound character is absolutely gorgeous!
T. Jonathan
Mic Preamp for Vocals
It's hard to compare with this price range..
J. Harris
6176 joy
Works great. I think I may order a 2nd unit. I love the join/split option.
C. Manyame
Absolutely lovely
Makes my U87, Rode K2 and NT2 sound amazing!!!!!
C. Manyame
Absolutely lovely
Makes my U87, Rode K2 and NT2 sound amazing!!!!!
m. herbert
Two year review
After being blown away initially when i got the unit a couple of years back, i've tracked many different sources ranging from vocals, synths, guitars, bass etc through the unit and it still makes me grin from ear to ear every time!
It's the best DI i've used for bass guitar ever!! I generally split the unit and just use the 610b side with a Neve 8803 and La2a clone after for bass, for electric guitar i just put the unit in 'join' mode and it's good to go with any amp sim i care to use.
I quite often track bass synths through an SSL channel but also through this but driven into distortion and blend the results as they sound super phatt!
It pairs brilliantly with ribbon mics for that authentic 'vintage crooner' vocal sound and i'd hate to be without mine now.
Ok it's not for every source on every occasion (unless it's bass guitar) but, it's an extremely versatile and fantastic sounding unit.N. Nolin
6176 mic pre
So I bought one, And I am very disappointed, a little in my self because I feel like I don’t know how to connect it. But then again there is no video L’s for me to find to help with connection, can’t call UA customer service line, thinking about returning it.
Problems I’m having !!!!!
1. I hear clicks and pops when recording, even with gain turn down
2. Meter never reads any movement, no pre gain, no GR, no comp
3. Vocals just always sound overly loud or to quiet.
4. Give any type of gain and noise level is very noisy.
I have played with all the settings, and I have mic connected to back mic in. /Out of 1176 into motu interface,- to pro tools,
Disappointed and most likely going to return. I don’t want to return so if anyone can help me, I would be extremely AppreciativeD. Pitigoi
The best ever
I already use the 6176 for a few months and i think is the best
R. Ryda
10yrs+ a straight 5-star friend!
I have this amazing unit for more than 10 years and I absolutely love how it works with any microphone I plug into it. However I got my tubes replaces from the very day one I owned it. Thats also a little secret to opening its headroom and decrease input distortion these units are so prone to. Hey it works for me every time and I also reamp solo/mono signals so I get a signal similar to the artists that record at my studio. Universal Audio I love you!
D. Turner V
Pass on this one
I just couldn't find anything the preamp sounded good on. It's too slow, and boring. The EQ was a nice addition to the pre-amp. The compressor isn't a real 1176, and doesn't perform like one either. I sold mine after 3 months.
m. herbert
Oh Yes!
Got hold of mine about a month ago as i wanted something to compliment my SSL Alpha channel which is ultra clean and has that classic SSL aggression, i was not disappointed!
It sounds completely different to the SSL, even pushed hard it has a smoother distortion as expected and a less 'pinched' sound.... even gives rough vocals just thrown down with an sm57 that 'classy sheen'.
Very pleased with mine!R. Chirinos
Someone please help me or send a video to how hook up my 6176 behind Apollo 8 Guitar Center say one thing and Sweetwater say different thing I can't take anymore
R. Chirinos
6176 Vintage Channel Strip
Definitely this is the best decision to buy 6176 Hardware everything is just easy and beautiful color, thank you UA for that great Ideas to creates great product
t. samuel
nice one
the next level for my recording setup..
M. Brisset
Great Tone
Great tone, beautiful piece of gear
A. Naceta-Susic
6176 Vintage it is..
This is my second 6176, so that should say it all. I like this combination a lot.
For guitar and vocals it gives me the silky sheen I was always looking for.
Using "only" a Rode NT1A modded with the RK47 capsule and getting
a Brauner Phantera in addition. I also will try the 1176SA stereo link - just for the Colour of this channel strip (1176's) also on the 2Bus. Get one as early as possible it's worth !
A. Naceta-Susic
Warm, pristine and with very high resolution
Just got my 6176 today, using it on my project for acoustic guitar/vocals and I was truly blown away. For me the best sound is without the 1176LN but it is great you can split or join as you like and I will use the 1176 later as insert. Sweet that we can do so!
The EQ section is just perfect for me, smart choice of frequencies.
I need to get a second one for sure!
Now I can hear so much more precise using my Focal Alpha 80 / Yamaha MSP 5 speaker combination. It is all about opinions, and for me that is my match!A. Naceta-Susic
Warm, pristine and very high resolution Pre-Amp
Just got my 6176 today, using it on my project for acoustic guitar/vocals and I was truly blown away. For me the best sound is without the 1176LN but it is great you can split or join as you like and I will use the 1176 later as insert. Sweet that we can do so!
The EQ section is just perfect for me, smart choice of frequencies.
I need to get a second one for sure!
Now I can hear so much more precise using my Focal Alpha 80 / Yamaha MSP 5 speaker combination. It is all about opinions, and for me that is my match!