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Harrison® 32C / 32C SE Channel EQ

Overall Rating

41-60 of206件の結果

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G. Baker


My favorite guitar eq

This gives the perfect finish on guitar. Surgically removed harsh high end or digital noise, without dulling your tone. It’s a must for me on every guitar track or bus. Warm and useable highs, tight lows and natural wide mids. The best.

m. gilmer


Harrison EQ 32C Changed the way I mix

I'm a mixing engineer and have been an SSL guy for years and have mixed on SSL 4K boards. I started using the Harrison EQ plugin in Pro Tools about a year ago. I loved it so much that I have moved from Pro Tools HD to the Harrison Mixbus 32C. All of my UAD plugins work and sound fabulous in it. And I have the Harrison 32C EQ on every single channel.

R. Polson-Lahache


There's a sound to this one!

Was reluctant to try another eq but there was a sale and now this is my fav eq for pushing and pulling broad frequencies. There's lot of colour to this eq despite being an older plugin. Doesn't matter tho, just try it for yourself and make your own judgments. In my opinion its a 5 outta five!

N. Smith


Very useful, musical eq

Love the harrison. It is now my go-to eq for individual channels. It has a great sound, very clean high end. I like that it is not a dsp hog. One of my favorites by uad.

k. gilleaga


Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ

This eq is the only eq that does what all the software makers say that they do.
it sounds and responds as though you are on a desk. i mean the other night i stayed up
really fighting it out with the massive passive and the Harrison EQ.
Harrison won outright. The reasons being that on a track this beats the Manley, you can get your sound in 3 minutes flat without leaving your vibe. you must simply have this eq
to hand no matter what music you do. It is so fast so pleasing that it literally tunes up
your mixing, and thats the thing a lot have lost with software. solid five stars you get this you'll put five stars.

k. gilleaga


Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ Harrison EQ

This eq is the only eq that does what all the software makers say that they do.
it sounds and responds as though you are on a desk. i mean the other night i stayed up
really fighting it out with the massive passive and the Harrison EQ.
Harrison won outright. The reasons being that on a track this beats the Manley, you can get your sound in 3 minutes flat without leaving your vibe. you must simply have this eq
to hand no matter what music you do. It is so fast so pleasing that it literally tunes up
your mixing, and thats the thing a lot have lost with software. solid five stars you get this you'll put five stars.

K. McCormack


Great, musical EQ

It just sounds great on drums, bass... I seem to have to fiddle endlessly with other EQs to get musical tones, but the Harrison EQ just seems to hit the sweet spot, the variable Q works beautifully, no phasing artefacts even when pushing it hard. My old engineer pal Jimmy Henshaw (ex VIPs lead guitarist, a pal of Chas Chandler, once asked to audition to play bass with Jimi Hendrix) had a Harrison desk in his studio... so now I know why. My favourite EQ in the box, esp. for snare!

N. Steele


Clarity and warmth

But somehow at the same time? This may have just become my favorite sounding EQ in the entire UAD-2 lineup.

i. sözüer


Love it

must have. I fell in love with the plugin. very clean and easy to use

M. Korovenko


Harrison EQ

Really good, intuitive EQ with beautiful coloration.

E. Wohl


Great job!

This is now one of my favorites!!



FIRST AND LAST !!! The Best ....

Wish I would have tried this first!!! Bruce Swedien, all the way. Warm, punchy, articulate tones. Musical on everything, low cpu means I have have it on every channel. Such a time and fix saver .... every instance so easy to dial in ....

K. Morris


Don't overlook this gem!

This dream eq is little pricey, and absolutely worth it. It's easy on DSP and generous with colorful, clear voicing that shaped countless radio hits. I use it for tracking, mixing and mastering. My ears love this EQ.

M. Martini


A perfect versatile companion

Do you need a tool that could be like your Swiss Army knife? Here it is!
Be aware...this tool it’s capable to upset your track instrument. Easy to use but powerful, characteristic with a distinct personality: the real Harrison channel.
Warm or cool, give your touch at your track. I’m enjoy to colour violins and all orchestral instruments at my taste. I find useful for give more clarity at some vst piano’s. The low impact on the single Sharc Dsp, allow you to use many instances in your Daw.

M. Martini


The wonderful Pocketknife

As simple as it is effective.
In this apparent simplicity hides a disarming power.
Suitable for acoustic sounds, for me is unbeatable. I can customize my sounds, quickly and deeply.

C. Avdelas




C. Kaliampakas


Your ugliest friend!

When i first saw it, i was like, not impressed.. but when i demoed it, i realised that i was wrong.. now its on my guitar tracks, on my vocals, on samples (when i mix hip hop stuff) etc..

H. Toapanta


STM - Leo





Not worth full asking price but on sale with voucher and most importantly not a lot of cpu usage

R. Roncarolo


My go-to Eq !

Fantastic eq, the best i've tried so far !
Extremly musical, it's never harsh. The presets are awesome, and great starting points.
It's not a Neve eq, but more like a confort zone plugin, it really brings out what's needed, and add lots of flavor. Love it !

41-60 of206件の結果

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