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UAFX Astra Modulation Machineは、古典的なアナログ・モジュレーションの深みにはまることになるでしょう。バケットブリゲード・コーラス/ビブラート、スタジオ・フランジャー/ダブラー、チューブによるトレモロ・エフェクトを1つのストンプボックスに収めました。






製品登録をするとPhaser X90とDharma Trem 61のエフェクトを追加ダウンロード可能



Chorus Brigade: 日本製モジュレーションの名機

Chorus Brigade: 日本製モジュレーションの名機

1976年に発売されたこの伝説的なグレーのバケツリレー式ストンプボックスは、厚く豊かなコーラスと波打つようなビブラートでサウンドを変えました。AstraのBrigade Chorusモードでは、プリアンプ部を含むこの画期的なユニットの回路を完全にエミュレートし、本物の太くてサチュレーションしたサウンドを再現しています。これにより、アナログの質感と音色の微妙な波紋を描き、演奏するすべてのものにエッジ、きらめき、動きを加えることができます。

フランジャー/ダブラー: ラックマウント・スタジオコーラス

フランジャー/ダブラー: ラックマウント・スタジオコーラス


Trem 65: 本格的なチューブアンプの“揺れ”を実現

Trem 65: 本格的なチューブアンプの“揺れ”を実現

60年代のアメリカのアンプに搭載されていた真空管を使った光学式トレモロに匹敵するものはほとんどありません。Trem 65は、このクラシックな回路を忠実にエミュレートしたもので、深みやうねりがあり、まさにバイブのエッセンスがちりばめられています。揺らめく波紋から激しく揺れるドライブまで、フォトレジスターと12AT7ドライブチューブの複雑な相互作用に至るまで、ダイナミックなディテールをUAスタイルで再現しています。さらに、可変の正弦波と矩形波の設定により、独自の揺れの質感を作り出すこともできます。






スタジオグレードのコンバーター、デュアルプロセッシング・エンジン、登録時の追加ダウンロードエフェクト、ライブ/プリセット・モード、トゥルー/バッファード・バイパス、*サイレント・スイッチングなどのモダンでハイパワーな機能を備えたAstra Modulation Machineは、独自のカラーを加えます。 ― さあ、あなたの代表作を作りましょう。

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      無料のPhaserX90とDharmaTrem 61エフェクトは、登録時にダウンロード可能


      Astra Modulation Machine

      Overall Rating


      D. Stevens


      Incredible Sounding Pedal

      The Astra is jam packed with features and sounds that inspire me every day I plug into it.
      I would love to have a full on Uni-Vibe option, that would take this pedal over the top.

      G. Saginario


      fantastic vintage sound!

      fantastic vintage sound!

      D. Stevens


      Incredible Sound

      Very lush and rich sounding pedal. It literally sounds expensive and that's exactly what you pay for. UA knocked this one out of the park.

      C. Cochran


      Awesome sounds, needs more functionality.

      The stereo chorus is worth the price of the pedal, absolute magic. I wish there was a mode with depth and rate controls though. L The flanger is a PITA to use, I really really wish it was an Electric Mistress instead of the MXR. The trem and phase 90 are great as well.

      C. Jones


      Least interesting of the initial 3 UAFX pedals

      I have the Golden Reverberator and Starlight as well. In comparison, this one leave a little to be desired. The chorus is great but simple. Would love an update with a rotary option and maybe a tape doubler like the Strymon Deco. There's so much potential for this to be an incredible pedal since they could in theory add more algorithms.

      M. Hakenson


      Good pedal but it needs more effects for the price

      This is a good sounding pedal but it lacks enough effect variety for the money. You alrady own dytronics tri-chorus & the dimension D. Add them. A Uni-vibe or Leslie would be great. I owned it for a few days but returned it and bought something with more features & effects. Sorry. I’d buy it again because of the sound quality if it only had more choices.

      B. Vavra


      Good but needs wow factor.

      Pedal sounds great and holds true to those vintage sounds. Dharma trem adds something new to the already laden landscape of modulation multieffects pedals.

      I think this pedal would be a game changer if it included a more versatile chorus option. The brigade one knob sounds fantastic, but adding something like a tri-stereochorus algorithm would make the pedal something I couldn't ever sell.

      P. Ghignone


      Phenomenal Sounds - all it needs is presets or MIDI or preferably both

      The sounds in this pedal really are sublime, I honestly can't make one complaint about them. The chorus is incredible, the 65 trem is spot on, and the fact no one talks about the uni-vibe in the Dharma-Trem is insane to me, it's that good. I also like the fact that the sounds are expandable as well, keeps me excited for the future of this pedal.

      Really, the only thing lacking from this pedal is the lack of Presets (1 only) and MIDI functionality. Some people complain about the knobs having different functions for different effects, but this honestly would not be an issue if more presets were available, you could just dial in all your favourite tones and save them, and barely need to use the knobs again.

      The issue is that for a pedal at this price point, being limited to just 1 preset is simply not up to the standards set by its competitors. MIDI functionality would also be standard. It can be marketed as a studio tool first, but it's a pedal, not a rack unit, and it needs to be treated as such. I truly hope they add these features in the future, and they wouldn't be the first company to do it either.

      D. Morisset


      I want more modes and presets.

      I spent the night playing the Astra with headphones, using the Walrus Audio ACS1 Amp and Cab Pedal.
      The Tones are superb.
      What I would like, is a Univibe and Rotary Modulations, in stereo. Since the Phaser X90 and Dharma Trem 61 are available online, I guess the template for more Modulation Downloads already exists.
      Secondly, I would love to be able to store more presets, at least 1 preset per Modulation, in addition to storing the last dialed in parameters for each Mode.
      EXH does this with the Oceans 12 and having these features would make the pedal more Pedalboard friendly.
      I don't record in any studio, but I do jam sessions and play guitar at church, so the less noodling with the board the better.

      That being said, this is the First Flanger Setting that I have tried that I like. Very, Very nice without the harsh swirling tones I associate with Flangers.

      The Chorus setting is simply sublime.

      E. Bass


      Great on guitars - also on synths

      Really impressed with this so far, the thing sounds fantastic.

      D. Jackson


      The Best Modulation

      I have owned a lot high end modulation pedals and this one tops them all.

      a. dhar


      Mod to the Max

      Being in possession of some vintage classics, purchased Astra mainly to enable to have the mod sounds in one unit. Astra went beyond expectations. Upon first placement on my pedalboard, I have to say the depth and character of each sound is stellar. The build is superb but the effects are the real star here. The research that went into this must have been phenomenal. UA has captured the mojo of the best and this unit outshines my "standard" and now weary classic pedals. Thank you UA

      c. nishimura


      Extremely tasteful

      The Good: Sounds here are extremely tasteful, stereo is outrageously lush. This pedal will knock plenty, if not all, of your modulations off your board effortlessly. Every setting is spectacular, usable and inspirational. A painful kind of love can be felt that went into this.

      The Sad: Nothing gets wild or remotely experimental, a missed opportunity to add innovative new parameters with the wealth of extra knobs at hand. Toggle switches can be awkward to access. Price, well what did you expect?