Century Tube Channel Strip™
使いやすいプリアンプ、EQ、コンプレッションで 「ファーストテイク」マジックをかけましょう。
Century Tube Preampプラグインは、ヴィンテージ風のチューブマイクプリアンプ、透明なダイナミクスコントロール、直感的に操作できるEQを備え、レコーディングやミキシング中もクリエイティブゾーンを残し、インスピレーションを素晴らしい結果に導く手助けをします。
UAD Native
UAハードウェアを使用せずに、MacやPCで動作します。Apollo リアルタイムとUAD-2
ApolloインターフェイスとUAD-2ハードウェアで高速に動作します。システム要件:UAD Native プラグインは、macOS 10.15 Catalina 以降と Windows 10 と 11 の両方で動作します。システム要件は UAサポートページでご確認ください。
- ボーカル、ギター、シンセなどのトラッキングのために設計されたファーストパスツールを使用して、レコーディング ワークフローを強化および簡素化します。
- クリエイティブゾーンに留まり、広いストロークで「害のない」チューブチャンネルストリップで自信を持ってパフォーマンスをレコーディング
- ヴィンテージスタイルのチューブマイクプリアンプ、シンプルな3バンドEQ、オプティカルコンプレッサーで、簡単にトラックに磨きをかけることができます
- ApolloインターフェイスのマイクプリアンプのゲインステージとインピーダンスをUnison™テクノロジーでCentury Tube Channel Stripプラグインから直接コントロール可能
Century Tube Channel Stripのマイクプリアンプは、チューブマイクプリならではの温かみとディテールをあなたのボーカルに与えます。繊細なトーンからサチュレートしたトーンまで、驚くほど幅広いトーンが、ジャンルを問わず感動的なパフォーマンスを引き出します。ロー/ハイゲインスイッチを使用してCentury Tube Preampをマイクにマッチさせ、Lowポジションではモダンなコンデンサーマイクを、Highポジションではダイナミックマイクやリボンマイクに秀でた効果を発揮します。
Century Tube Channel Stripは、UAの画期的なUnisonテクノロジーにより、ヴィンテージチューブプリアンプの重要なインピーダンス、ゲインステージングの「スイートスポット」、回路動作のすべてを提供し、アナログとデジタルの境界線をぼかすことができます。その秘密は、Century Tube Channel StripプラグインからApolloのデジタルコントロールされたマイクプリアンプへのUnisonの双方向コントロールとコミュニケーションにあります。
Century Tube Channel Stripは、直感的で音楽的な音色を持つ3バンドEQで、ブレスの長いボーカルのディテールを素早く引き出したり、オーバードライブしたエレキギターにパンチを加えたり、アコースティックリズムギターに推進力のあるシズル感や輝きを与えるのに最適です。
Century Tube Channel Stripのダイナミクスセクションは、クラシックな光学式レベラーを搭載しており、ノブ1つでコンプレッション設定の手間を省くことができます。ダイナミックなボーカルやベースのパフォーマンスをすばやく調整し、アコースティックギターやピアノにエネルギーとハーモニクスを加えることができます。Centuryのレベラーは、エフェクトとしてコンプレッションすることもでき、鍵盤やソフトシンセにグリットやテクスチャーを追加して、個性とバイブを余すところなく再現します。
もちろん、Century Tube Channel StripプラグインはApolloでのリアルタイムレコーディングのためだけにあるのではありません。DAWでネイティブに動作させ、ボーカル、ギター、シンセにヴィンテージ風のトーンとキャラクターを与えることもできます。
UAD Quick Tips
Learn how to quickly turn your recordings into album-ready tracks with Century Tube Channel Strip.
“The Century Tube Channel Strip is a simple to use starting point for just about anyone — offering tube sound in a straight forward signal path.”
– John Paterno (Robbie Williams, Badly Drawn Boy, Bonnie Raitt)“The Century Tube Channel Strip makes it effortless to get awesome, warm, vintage sounds from sterile sounding digital tracks.”
– Ian Boxill (Lenny White, Prince, 2Pac)“The Century Tube Channel Strip powerfully combines the best of vintage and modern. On vocals and dialog, it imparts forwardness, sheen and body — remarkably simple, but versatile and effective.”
– Richard Chycki (Rush, Aerosmith, Dream Theater)レビュー
A. Quiroz
Un excelente plugin
Es un plugin excelente, agiliza el trabajo o estudio al traer preset que a veces no necesitan ajustes, lo mejor de todo es que me...
続きを読むH. Eng
Just what I was looking for!
Despite having "big name" compressors, something was lacking in a mix I was fussing over. Then, I came upon UA's Century Tube. Wow, is all I can say. It really helped to glue...
続きを読むv. Chepeliev
I recently received a plugin, now not a single mix can do without it
続きを読むW. Satriya
Sound Engineer for House of Worship
I'm trying to use it for my service in house of worship
続きを読む -
Key Features
Vintage-inspired channel strip made for UA Audio Interface tracking, always easy to dial and musically flattering
Console-inspired tube preamp with bold and musical hardware sound
Three-band EQ with simple high and low shelf tone control and sweepable midrange
Performance-inspiring single knob optical dynamics control with firm yet transparent response
Physical input impedance and front panel control of gain staging and other preamp parameters with Unison Mic Preamp Technology
Requires a UAD DSP Accelerator or UA Audio Interface available from authorized dealers worldwide
Century Tube Channel Strip
A. Quiroz
Un excelente plugin
Es un plugin excelente, agiliza el trabajo o estudio al traer preset que a veces no necesitan ajustes, lo mejor de todo es que me ha servido para mis estudios e ir practicando, gracias UAD por este plugin.
H. Eng
Just what I was looking for!
Despite having "big name" compressors, something was lacking in a mix I was fussing over. Then, I came upon UA's Century Tube. Wow, is all I can say. It really helped to glue everything together for me. I got focus on a muddy kick drum, while taming some annoying highs and maintaining the dynamics.
Overall, simple to use.
Fantastic, UA!v. Chepeliev
I recently received a plugin, now not a single mix can do without it
M. makhou
i. alfadani
I like it
Good Experience
W. Satriya
Sound Engineer for House of Worship
I'm trying to use it for my service in house of worship
H. Faraz
M. Heaphy
Century Tube Strip
First of all , Thank you so much for this. This plugin is extraordinary in it's sound and simplicity. It does exactly what it is supposed to do and then some. I love using it to record or for some touch ups in the final mix...Best Regards and thanks again... Michael
D. Black
Century channel strip
It's got a decent tube preamp sound, additional compression and EQ sections. Can be turned up to distorted sounds if preferred
P. Mello
Simple and crystal clear!
Like everything Universal Audio does, this plugin is also awesome, simple and crystal clear, it delivers fantastic results, all you need is a good instrument, excellent performance and a set of honest microphones that are not necessarily the most expensive. I never stop being surprised with each new acquisition with UAD.
Paulo Bourg
Brazilian ConductorV. Tretiakov
Super mix ready sounding plugin!
It's great sounding channel strip and very easy for tracking vocals, acoustic guitar and for post mixing. I often use this plugin if I not have much time for work but I need a great result.
D. Gill
Excellent for a vocal chain
Great for recording a vocal using the preamp with a touch of compression and EQ.
J. Ross
Recording Godsend
I just bought this last week on sale and I’m wearing it out already. I use it more for recording than mixing because the DSP is reasonable and I can get basic EQ, saturation and compression color going into Unison so that, during mixing, the “fancy” inserts don’t have to do the heavy lifting and can be utilized for flavor. The plug-in has a warm, tube-like sound and it’s super easy to use. Highly recommended! .
J. Ross
Recording Godsend
I just bought this last week on sale and I’m wearing it out already. I use it more for recording than mixing because the DSP is reasonable and I can get basic EQ, saturation and compression color going into Unison so that, during mixing, the “fancy” inserts don’t have to do the heavy lifting and can be utilized for flavor. The plug-in has a warm, tube-like sound and it’s super easy to use. Highly recommended! .
P. Bonifazi
Suena con calidad apenas se insterta
Este Pre suena igual al hardware, es ideal para voces, guitarras acústicas.
Pude comparar el físico que lo tiene un amigo y este plugin suena igual.
Felicitaciones Universal Audio .
No llega a las 5 estrellas porque se tendrían que haber esmerado mas en la imagen del plugin.m. otonbaev
Century Tube Channel Strip
Super plugins
V. Silva
Muito bom . Uso em praticamente tudo : guitarra , voz, vocal, violão ... Perfeito !!!!
V. Silva
Muito bom . Uso em praticamente tudo : guitarra , voz, vocal, violão ... Perfeito !!!!
A. Ogarev
Century Tube Channel Strip
D. Nacrur
easy to use, limited features and reasonable sound
Century is one of those plugins that UAD created based on the knowledge acquired from modeling classic tube preamps. It is not based on a particular model. The idea is interesting. The result is satisfactory but not one of my favorites. It is interesting because it uses relatively little dsp and in addition to emulating the sound of a tube pre, it also has a compressor and equalizer (although very limited). Don't think about doing heavy compression. Only moderate adjustment provides a reasonable result. The equalizer, also used sparingly, offers additional color. In any case, adjusting these parameters moderately, in addition to the pre emulation, will undoubtedly obtain a better sound than the native Apollo pre. I recommend it for those who have little DSP and/or those who are just starting out, due to its ease of use. However, for those looking for a great pre-tube modeled tone, there are better options. One last observation: the output volume is low, even when properly adjusting the signal. This is a project problem, which UAD can easily resolve, and make the updated and corrected plugin available to users.
Century is one of those plugins that UAD created based on the knowledge acquired from modeling classic tube preamps. It is not based on a particular model. The idea is interesting. The result is satisfactory but not one of my favorites. It is interesting because it uses relatively little dsp and in addition to emulating the sound of a tube pre, it also has a compressor and equalizer (although very limited). Don't think about doing heavy compression. Only moderate adjustment provides a reasonable result. The equalizer, also used sparingly, offers additional color. In any case, adjusting these parameters moderately, in addition to the pre emulation, will undoubtedly obtain a better sound than the native Apollo pre. I recommend it for those who have little DSP and/or those who are just starting out, due to its ease of use. However, for those looking for a great pre-tube modeled tone, there are better options. One last observation: the output volume is low, even when properly adjusting the signal. This is a project problem, which UAD can easily resolve, and make the updated and corrected plugin available to users.